Human Factor in Aviation
Every Pilot is trained to do the right thing in the event of a crisis. Each movement and response being rehearsed over and over again during drill regime. But the conduct displayed in emergency situations differs widely based on the individual’s emotions.
Despite the theoretical knowledge of doing the right thing, it is imperative not to lose sight of the situation and to keep one’s emotions under control. The Captain and Co-Pilot are required to offset technical as well as human adversities.
In order to guarantee continuing efficiency of conduct in the cockpit, a high degree of cognitive ability is required from the Cockpit-Crew. Human performance is severely limited when individual cognitive actions are executed.
In view of the enormous complexity and responsibility of the job and the growing demands towards the pilots, it is paramount to acquire appropriate demeanor for such situations.
In our seminar/workshop we train participants to recognize and bridge the gap between the theory of CRM and personal practical implementation. This seminar/workshop can be described as preparation for conscious action implementation during a crisis.

Safety-relevant leadership behavior for cockpit crews - a practice-oriented in-depth CRM
- Ensure flight safety through competent leadership
- Develop personal strength
- Target-oriented communication
- Improvement of personal persuasion
- Dealing with aggressive behavior
- Development of natural authority
- Conflict / Team: Abiltiy to handle conflict and emotional competence
- Team building and team leadership
Okt 12 - 16, 2020
Tyrol, Austria
This training has been recommended by the German Alpa since 2004 as an approved agency for the implementation of education. The seminar is recognized as paid educational leave in Germany.
In some German airlines it is also part of the training as a captain.
About 600 pilots from various airlines have participated so far.
In 2018, the seminar received international recognition. As the first seminar of the IFALPA Professional Development Campaign, the training seminar will now also be offered cross-culturally in English.
Target group (for whom?)
In addition to pilots, this seminar is aimed at leaders in the fields of medicine, the fire department, police and security.
But also managers who want to meet their own and other emotions with more confidence, have already benefited from this concept.
Upon request we adapt our training modules to the needs of your organization.
„A seminar that every pilot should attend at least once in the course of his career - at the very beginning at best. Many useful tools. Thank you!“
It is really something different and advanced for pilots/leaders in terms of CRM, and difficult to describe as the outcome of it is a change of behavior and a different perception when dealing with others.
As a pilot I strongly recommend this new training to any other pilot, as it is more practical CRM than the standard courses.
„I have not enjoyed a seminar of this kind in my entire career in aviation. Such deep insights into my own behavior were not granted to me in any other seminar.“
„This seminar is the most important tool ever conveyed to me throughout my entire career. If I had enjoyed this seminar at the beginning of my career, many conflicts would have been spared!“
„You've managed to capture me as a skeptic. Not everyone is capable of that. I think the success speaks for you, because with this method you are able to even avoid security-related incidents.“
„All of the CRM seminars I have attended so far never really satisfied me or rewarded me professionally. Yours was the first of which even I (14,000 FHrs) could still benefit intensively and I was able to learn a lot. Time was not too short and seminar content as well as the commitment of the moderators made a huge difference.
It would be really desirable that all professional pilots take part in this: uncompromising training, highest quality. A big contribution to improving aviation safety!“
„As a doctor, I am very sorry to have attended this course only after many years of work - many mistakes, emotional conflicts and critical situations could have been avoided for me and my patients. Skills such as dealing with emotional stress and professional leadership don’t come automatically with the license to practice medicine.
Conclusion: This course is a "MUST" for every physician, no matter what discipline!“

With the concept "Safety Relevant Leadership Behavior" emotions2lead could position itself in the top six rank of the Austrian national award "Constantinus" for management consultants. (Category personnel & training)

Co-author of Human Factors on the Flight Deck (Springer, 2012), chapter „Intuition in Decision-making“